Random Running Facts

I got this fun blog post idea from my friend BananaBuzzbomb. It’s so fun to read everybody’s answers & it’s fun to reflect back on my running from the past 3 1/2 years. Please feel free to copy these questions & post them on your blog. 🙂

1. Best Run Ever: The first time I ran a full 1 1/4 miles without stopping. I still remember it like it was yesterday. That’s when I REALLY felt like a runner.

2. Three words that describe my running: Long, slow, struggling. (I say struggling because I’m training for a full marathon right now and some times the runs are mentally tough & I struggle through them.)

3. My go to running outfit is: A pair of tri shorts and a short sleeved shirt.

4. Quirky habit while running is: I never smile while running. I don’t know why, I guess it’s just cause I’m concentrating so much on running and being in the zone. I usually look like I’m in pain when I run, even if I’m not.

5. Morning, midday, or evening: Definitely an evening/night runner. I have a tough time getting up early enough to get a run in before I go to work. During the summer, it’s too hot to run during the day, plus, I work, so I run at night.

6. I won’t run outside when it’s: I learned the hard way, but I won’t run outside when the air quality is poor.

7. Worst injury-and how I got over it: It’s a tie between shin splints & tearing part of the muscle in my hip. I got over both by using KTTape and just resting. One time I had shin splints so bad I had to stop running for 8 weeks. I had to stop running that long with my hip too.

8. I felt most like a badass mother runner: During the 2011 Las Vegas Ragnar Relay, I volunteered to run the Ragnar leg, which was 7 miles uphill and 3 miles downhill. I ran the entire time.

Not my most attractive picture.

9. Next race is: The Really Big Free Marathon in Las Vegas, NV on Nov 3, 2012.

10. Potential running goals for 2013: I just want to feel strong while running during the Boise 1/2 Ironman.

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